My beloved mother.
This night was brutal.
Ever burned on my heart.
The moments wherein the
dark strove to swallow time;
lonely, excruciating, terrible.
Dad rested in his bed, finally.
You slumped in your chair,
depleted from the effort
of dying.
Me, as close to you as possible,
holding your head, holding you.
Devastated in the black silence
that threatened to defeat light.
That year, I had held vigil
so many long, lonely nights,
weeping, waiting, wondering.
This night, I bore witness
while you slipped away.
Every moment, at once
unbearable and sacred.
In the dark, I prayed that I
might be gifted a glimpse of the
peace that passes understanding
which I knew would soon be
Just hours later,
as I watched you cross the bridge,
the peace that passes understanding
flooded my soul, washed over my
This sweet gift of grace was remarkable.
It caught my breath and enfolded me
in a singular, extraordinary moment
that remains inimitable in my
In that hallowed moment
as you beheld heaven,
God stirred my soul.
I love you, my dear mother.
My love for you, endless.
I will never forget, never.
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