My father was right.
He watched patiently as
my preteen self defended
my right to see R-rated movies.
Then gently repeating himself,
'Whatever you put into your head
will shape your beliefs and thoughts.'
His wisdom totally escaped me then.
But I get it now, so many years hence.
He protected my mind so I could choose.
An open mind cleared space for me to learn.
I could see the sacred, find wisdom, imagine
the impossible and materialize it into this life.
His wisdom travels through the universe again,
seeking any who choose to shelter sacred space
in their minds from the chaos erupting around us.
The chaos is growing, breeding anarchy in society,
cramming our minds with incomprehensible stories,
stealing the sacred space wherein our wisdom dwells.
Resistance to the chaos starts first in our own minds.
It starts by consciously clearing space in our minds for
our own thoughts and wisdom to form and be nurtured.
The strategies to clear and open one's mind are manifold.
Select one, make it a practice, clear chaos from your mind.
Make space to find therein your sacred wisdom and truths.
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