Coffee in hand, Rita shared, ‘I saw Martha last night.’
‘Me too!’ exclaimed Hazel, barely able to contain her excitement. ‘What did she say to you?’
‘Oh nothing consequential,’ Rita replied. She’s always hounding me to be myself. As if?!’
‘You’re lucky, Rita’ Hazel sighed. ‘She never talks to me. I’m just supposed to follow her around.’
‘So where did you go?’
Her eyes lighting up, Hazel smiled, ‘She took me to the carnival!’
‘I didn’t know it was still in town.’
‘Neither did I,’ confusion momentarily clouding Hazel's eyes. Then, ‘But there it was! We had so much fun, Rita! Cotton candy, rides and the clowns! They were hilarious, trying to catch all the balls! I threw three at once just to see if they could catch them! Of course, the balls were soft, so the clowns didn’t get hurt.’ Dreamily, ‘It was the perfect night.’
Rita mused, ‘She just comes and goes.’
‘Yah, I never know when she is going to show up.’
Ina’s voice resounded from the kitchen, ‘I swear, she’s like an apparition!’
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