November 09, 2024

Our Treasure - The Path Forward

I have been contemplating
  how I will live in these times. 
  Flashing back to the final days
  when homelessness approached.

I felt a light within shining vibrantly. 
  I held, but could not understand, the
  twin flames of desperation and hope.

One day, I was graced with an epiphany. 

A treasure within me was revealed to me,
  of spirit that transcends this mortal frame,
  of hope that grows brighter as flesh gives way,
  of love that creates winds of chi and light of life.

I was shown our infinite nature.
  We are created from love and light.
  We are born to heal anguish with love.
  We are the hope we so desperately seek. 

Yet, we don’t look inside for our answers.

We bury our treasure in mounting debris
  of love lost, hope crushed, hearts broken.
  We conceal it in an indurate coat of armor
  impenetrable to further injury, and to love.  

Over time, it gets enveloped so completely
  we no longer see it; we don’t know it is alive.
  We don’t know the sacred life force that is us.

So, when inevitably we face our next life challenge,
  we can’t access the life force holding the resolution!

I also believe we came into this life to have experiences
  that gift us with the fodder and opportunity to discover
  the treasure within us that can heal the wounds of our life.

It is this treasure that carries the answers to the days ahead.
  It can shower hope, wisdom and love on every day of our lives.
  We must unearth our treasure from the shards of life gone awry. 

This treasure that we all hold inside our selves IS our path forward.

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