November 19, 2024

After the Wind

Élan Vital.
  Forebearer of life; the lifeforce.
  Enveloped in gravity’s sway,
  metamorphosing into
  earth’s heartbeat.

Earth pulsing,
  resounding across the cosmos,
  vibration forming sound,
  fashioning the ether.
  Earth breathes.

The dance.
  Earth keeping the heartbeat.
  Élan Vital pirouetting.
  Swirling ever faster,
  birthing wind.

Élan Vital creates.
  Borne on the wings of wind,
  Élan Vital kisses the sky
  creating water, heavy,
  falling to earth.

The earth breathes.
  Rivers flow, oceans swell,
  fomenting, animating.
  The wellspring of

Feel now your chest.
  Gentle steady heartbeat.
  Chi filling your lungs. 
  Élan Vital, your life.

Never let fear
  steal your breath.
  It is your birthright,
  the gift of life, itself.
  Breathe through it all.

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