Breathing through the fear, embracing it with love, reassurance; releasing it.
Lungs filled with chi, muscles taught and strong, mind clear, ready to create.
Journey with me into the story now unfolding of concrete, dictators and fire.
Once upon a time, in a faraway place, a child frolicked amongst flowers aplenty.
Sun lifted her off Gaia; stars drew her into their orbit, spun her on pulsing waves.
Transfiguring into the light from which she was born, she melted into the cosmos.
Waves and particles pranced, wove in and out of form and promise; infinite creation.
And a force greater than any she had known pulled her, formidable and indomitable.
Her power, agency, facility inconsequential in the wake of the force; she succumbed.
Engulfed by the gaping maw of a black hole, she collapsed in on herself, riven, crushed.
Million shards, swept farther and farther back in time, space; flung throughout the void.
Still the fierce, unrelenting force of gravity; at length cast into the sun, consumed by fire.
And there arose on earth one who lusted power at any and all costs, would stop at nought
to seize and hoard the power, seal his dominion over it, finally to exploit and exercise it
to unleash hell at his behest on whomever he selected for as long as he took pleasure.
Those living untold years in misery under the yoke of capitalism, frantic simply to live,
demanded an end to the crushing struggle to survive, fell prey to his vile treachery.
When the country lies barren, their lives destroyed, the truth; dictators only slay.
Concrete poured over America; nature apportioned, controlled; humanity alone.
Temperatures rising, reflecting off the monolithic, desolate concrete, burning.
Trees heaving from toxins, unable to offset the burgeoning poison, asphyxia.
Concrete, dictators and fire; devouring, laying waste; ferocious assault on life.
Yet, seeds break their shells with fire; tiny seedlings burst through cement;
the human spirit always rises to meet dictators, to reclaim our sovereignty.
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