November 28, 2024

OK, Let's Go There

So you believe I am disengaged from this reality,
  living in a dream realm while the world explodes.
  ‘Fear is a sensible feeling!  Just look!’  you exclaim.  

Okay, let’s go there.

The threat has mutated into groundwork for execution.
  The day they take power, they will start the destruction.
  Deadly acts orchestrated in tandem on countless fronts.

This the strategy; unleash instant, complete, perfect chaos.
  Mutate our minds and world into a grotesque replica of life.
  90 days in, the régime of chaos will rule, people will be dying.

And no person shall be safe; witness the necropolis of loyalists.

Everything you ever worked for, loved, took for granted is at risk.
  Presumptions of education for our children, safety for our elders,
  fresh food, clean water, shelter, medicine, safety to speak, all gone.

And we haven’t yet considered those whom this régime has othered.
  Those othered are targeted at the outset, but they are just warmup!  
  All whilst the earth that bequests us life is desecrated beyond repair.

Yes, there is reason to fear, likely far more than we can even conceive.
  Do you feel your stomach twisted and boiling, your heart constricted?
  Is it hard to pull in a breath, more challenging to make your mind work?

So easily consumed by justifiable fear, terror rising as bile in our throats.
  Fear always conceives its progeny, malice, desolation, anguish, prejudice.
  Feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness, panic compel wrath, bloodshed. 

The question is not whether we should disengage from the reality we face.
  The question is if we choose to allow fear to consume us, for it is ravenous.
  It steals your lifeforce, power, leaves you without agency, purpose, resolve.

Might there be another way to live in these times in which we find ourselves?
  That is my question, now my quest, to find the space wherein we can create
  our lives, our future, remember how to be love, light, hope, peace in the dark.

Allow yourself to feel hope, love, peace; feel your vitality, strength once again.
  Inside this place, native to us all, we can contend with this perverse reality and
  bring to the fore all required to recast it into freedom, safety, reverence for all.

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