November 26, 2024

The Hogwash of Choice

‘Why do you constantly harangue me with the hogwash of choice?’

‘Because it is your choice.  All of it.  It is your choice, not mine.
  They would have you believe your life is not your choice, for
  it empowers them to force their ambitions onto your being.’

‘But they promise to take care of me, redress my problems.
  God knows I have failed miserably, no matter my efforts.
  All they ask is that I trust and consent to their edicts.’

‘Is that your image then, of your life of love and effort,
  that you are trivial, powerless, a consummate failure?
  Have you forgotten that I created perfection in you?’

‘You are utterly mistaken.  Everything I attempted,
  all of it for naught!  My lot worsens every day.
  How dare you judge me?  I just want to live!’

‘This is why you give them control over your life?’

‘There is no other way but for them to administer it.
  No more worries, no more struggling just to stay alive.
  Now finally I can relax and delight in what life remains.’

‘You understand, don’t you, that you are making a choice.'

‘Yes, but what is one choice compared to a life of decisions?
  Leave me alone. Bother some other soul with your nonsense.’

‘And, so it is.  I gifted you absolute freewill, the power to create.
  I will not violate this sacred gift nor the promise I make to you.
  I will stand forever by your side as you create the world to come.’

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