November 29, 2024


  Meet Martha, another elder woman, venerated among her people, a Shaman who soared with grace through life and between worlds.  I met Martha just weeks ago, dancing at a campfire in the dark of night.  She wore a long shawl adorned with beads and shells.  A beautiful headdress wrapped around her head and draped onto her shoulders.  She drummed and rattled as she danced, eyes closed, lost in reverie.

  Her people, shrouded by the dark, sat around the campfire, watching silently as she danced.

  She turned as I approached, and seeing me, her countenance transformed into the elation of expectation fulfilled and a profound love beyond my comprehension.  I felt I was meeting someone I had always known.

  An epochal secret splashed lightly across her face as she gazed lovingly at me.  Having made her acquaintance, I departed to continue my walk, mystified and not a little curious.  Not a minute had passed when I was drawn back to the fireside.

  Martha pointed to the people gathered around, ‘They would like to meet you.’  

  Even as the words formed on her lips, the people rose in silence, their faces emerging from the shadows.  They seemed to be captivated by me, excited by something about which I had no clue.  And again, I felt a keen sense of familiarity with them, as if I had returned home.  They stood quietly and gazed at me, and I felt love embracing my entire being.  

  Finally, awestruck and dazed by the entire experience, I thanked them and excused myself.  Martha, profound love shining in her eyes, whispered, 'We shall see each other again.'  Walking on, I realized she was to be at my side for all the remaining days of this earth Walk.  

  Had she always been there?

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