November 29, 2024

It Is Time

  Rita stood looking out from the cave into their future, ‘Don’t you feel it’s time to go now?’ she asked.  Estelle raised her weary bones from the rock, grateful to move beyond this experience.
  Hazel too, felt the need to go home.  ‘Has anyone seen Martha lately?’ she asked, looking into the cave.

  Ina smiled, ‘She’ll come.  She has the uncanny knack of showing up just when she’s needed.  I would love to go home.  I’m so tired from this journey.’  Taking Rita’s hand, she moved toward the cave’s entrance.  Hazel hesitated, the day’s events melding into the recent epiphany that expanded in her soul.  She felt drawn by a force that defied her comprehension, a force that was ubiquitous and eternal.   

  ‘Ina, why don’t you walk with Hazel?’ Estelle prompted.  And she took Rita’s arm.  Together they stepped into the forest and their future.  ‘Rita,’ Estelle started.  ‘Yes, old friend?’

  ‘It’s time.  After a lifetime, it’s time.  You are safe with us.’ Estelle stopped, looked deeply into Rita’s soul.  Tears filled Rita’s eyes, foretelling her acceptance, finally, of the truth.  Estelle stood expectantly, holding Rita’s arm.  Rita dropped her head, hiding from Estelle’s gaze.  But Estelle gently lifted it to gaze into her eyes.

  ‘I know, sweetheart,’ she disclosed.  Rita stepped back in surprise, but Estelle held her tightly.  ‘I’ve always known.  I’ve been waiting all these years for you.  And Loveworthy has been waiting as well.  It’s time…’

  Not ready to give voice to the truth trapped inside her for what seemed an eternity, Rita asked, ‘Where did you go with Martha earlier today?  Ina said she overheard something about Loveworthy and then you were gone.’

  ‘I went to see Loveworthy.  She wanted to tell me something.’ Estelle shared.

  ‘And…what did she have to say?’  Rita asked, barely able to hide her anticipation.

  Estelle took Rita’s hands in hers, stood silently for a moment, then said, ‘Rita, she is going home.  She grew weary of waiting.  You know, she has waited for so very long.  She said there is more to life, the next adventure awaits.  Her soul wants to fly.’

  Tears flowing, Rita opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.  Estelle spoke again, ‘It’s time dear Rita.  All you need do is say the words and it will all be over.  Then you can step out of your private nightmare and over the threshold.

  Hazel and Ina were now holding Rita and Estelle.  ‘We know too, Rita,’ Hazel whispered.  ‘It is okay.
  ‘Will I be able to see her?’ Rita whispered.  ‘Yes, she is waiting,’ Estelle assured her.

  Finally releasing her breath, Rita whispered, ‘It was me.  It was me all along, always.

  ‘Yes,’ Estelle smiled.  ‘It was you she loved, still loves, will always love.’

  ‘But I betrayed her!’ Rita cried.

  ‘No, Estelle firmly countered.  Fear captured others’ hearts and mutated into hatred of two women who were blessed with a simple and sacred love.  Waiting a moment, then, You are safe, loved.

  Rita held her head high, took a deep breath and said simply, ‘I am in love with Loveworthy.  As she uttered those simple words, Loveworthy appeared and reached to her.  Rita took her hand and they embraced, the whole of eternity passing between them.

  ‘Look,’ Ina whispered to Hazel.  Martha was approaching the lovers, clad in brilliant white light.  They turned to her, and she whispered to them.  Nodding to her, they looked to the other women, placed their hands on their hearts sending their love, and turned back to Martha.  And they were gone.

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