‘You again?! Why must you keep on with us? Don’t you have a life?'
'I can’t, for the life of me, see what you find so fascinating about us!’
Busted again! I’m baffled that Estelle hears, now sees me, the author.
‘Speak up, Zoe! What do you have to say for yourself? Have you no life?’
The pregnant pause is broken by Rita’s laughter and I retreat into the mist.
Estelle turns to the unexpected visitors, ire transforming into curiosity.
The three jubilant women, hand in hand, seem to float o'er the earth.
Mesmerized, Estelle finds herself speechless, able only to observe.
Then Hazel touches the mist, dissolving it into radiant, white light.
Martha smiles at me, steps forth and appears in front of them.
Laughing, they set out to find Loveworthy, to hear her story.
And I realize that I switched to poetry, back now to prose.
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