The cacophony.
It's shrill tone echoes,
ricochetting, recoiling,
erupting, over and again
into the still, calm cosmos.
Terror, hate, frenzy, indignation.
All rival for repute, or to simply
weep in disillusionment and fury.
Emotions and thoughts are energy.
When combined, energy coalesces
and gives birth to substance, matter.
Spirit queries, ‘are you creating?
A cloud swells in
the soul of humanity,
and nurtured by the cacophony.’
Lost, bitter in the cacophony of our making
we cry, ‘We are
lost, dying! Don’t you care?!
There is no
way out! Please save us!’ we beg.
Smiling, ‘Have
you forgotten? You created this.
You were created creators. You still are creators.
Create now something extraordinary and life-giving.’
‘What? We can't create?! You propose the impossible!’
‘Be still,’ Spirit
the masses cry.
Quiet your minds,
calm your
for one
sacred moment.’
A gentle wind moves across the people,
Humanity breathes in deeply, as one.
The breath of life quiets the rancor,
stills broken hearts, racing minds.
Tears of humanity flow, cleansing,
unfurling, releasing, reminding
all of our sacred design, love.
still. Remember. Create
love, only
and always.’
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