The people fell to silence once again, ruminating on spirit’s words, considering the possibility. But one among them arose, I believe a direct descendant of Estelle.
Standing tall and noble as her grandmother, she declared, ‘Your words are fanciful, I’ll give you that, even a little inspiring. But this is a pipe dream you describe, for it can’t possibly define this lot!’ she said, waving to all the people.
Abashed, the people recoiled from their imaginings of the possible and settled back into the familiar albeit self-effacing position of powerlessness. It was true, they thought, this spirit hasn’t suffered as have we, doesn’t toil endlessly just to survive.
‘Well,’ demanded the young woman, squaring off with spirit, ‘what have you to say to that?’
Spirit, loving the young woman’s courage and power, smiled, infuriating the young woman. ‘Stop making sport of me!’ she yelled, desperate to maintain her standing within the group. ‘I express the words they are frightened to speak.’ And some gathered the courage to nod their agreement.
‘You are a woman of remarkable power,’ spirit said. ‘Do you see how the people look to you?’ And the people waved encouragingly at her. ‘Tell me please,’ spirit asked, ‘what is it in you that inspires the people to entrust you to speak for them?’
Embarrassed, the young woman, started, ‘You are…’ But she was interrupted by an elder man who stood to speak. ‘I wish to share my idea,’ he said, looking to her. Hastily, she declared, ‘You don’t need my approval to speak! We are all free to speak our minds.’
Smiling at her, he looked to the people. ‘I knew Estelle,’ he started. ‘She was irascible, for sure!’ And the elders among them smiled, remembering. ‘But she was wise beyond belief, and she had an incredible way with words.’ Turning now back to the young woman, ‘You carry her spirit, dear child. You are wise, outspoken and courageous. We all recognize that gift in you and we adore you for it.’ With that, he sat again among the people.
The young woman stood silent. She felt awkward with the attention and elated by the fact that she was seen and honored by her people. She held her grandmother in high esteem and felt small at the very mention of her name.
As if hearing her thoughts, spirit ventured, ‘Dear child, hear the words of your people. You are gifted with wisdom and the ability to express your thoughts. And it takes courage to stand up and give voice to your feelings.’ The young woman listened, aware that the conversation had moved to an entirely different place than she had intended.
Spirit continued, ‘Thank you for shining the remarkable light within you for all to see.’ An elder woman now stood, ‘And thank you, child, for sharing your gifts with us all.’ The people stirred to venerate the young woman.
But the elder woman knew of their propensity to raise others on pedestals and in so doing to relegate themselves to insignificance and subservience. So, she waved for them to sit. Puzzled, they sat once again, the young woman now joining them.
She cautioned them, ‘Yes, we all agree she has wonderful gifts.’ The people applauded, still excited to celebrate their new leader. ‘But,’ she continued, ‘so do you,’ she said pointing to a woman, ‘and you,’ pointing now to a young man, ‘and you,' pointing to a child.
Soon she was waving her arms across the entire people. She called to them, ‘You all have gifts. I have seen them. I have witnessed you each offering your gifts, so many times!’ ‘But,’ started a middle-aged woman, ‘we don’t have her gifts. Her gifts are special. All I do is cook and care for my children.’
And another stood, ‘But had you not cooked for me, I wouldn’t have grown up strong and able to help our people. That gift you gave me, and all of us kids, is incredible!’ And now multiple children stood up and applauded, both her own and the neighbor kids who knew her cooking well. The woman, awash in love and appreciation, sat with the dawning realization that she, too, had gifts, important gifts.
The elder woman now looked to spirit, who moved to her. ‘You say,’ the elder stated, 'that we are all gifted.’ ‘Yes,’ affirmed spirit. ‘And you say,’ the elder continued, ‘that all our gifts are essential.’ ‘Absolutely,’ spirit declared. Whispering now, for this idea tested even her sagacity, ‘And, you say that each of us carries a light, is a light.’
‘Yes, I say it for it is the truth,’ spirit affirmed. The elder woman, mystified by this idea, hugged spirit and took her place among the people to learn. And spirit said, ‘Please come with me on a journey. Close your eyes and see with your heart.’ The people closed their eyes and waited in silence.
‘Breathe deeply and slowly. With each breath, feel white light and love flow through your body to your hands and feet. Feel it filling every organ, every cell. Feel your body transform into white light. Feel the love flood your entire being. Exhale your concerns through your heart. Continue this rich, divine, healing breathing. Feel each breath healing and opening your heart, mind and body.’
Spirit watched as the people relaxed into the healing breath, their bodies releasing pain and suffering. ‘Now, send the white light to the heavens and behold your soul, a divine and eternal presence. Feel your soul’s connection to your blessed body. You are a soul-embodied. Feel your soul shining like a star through your body.’
‘As a soul-embodied, you walk in both the earthly and spiritual realms. You have chosen a noble and sacred earth walk. Send the white light into the earth. See the light fusing with the magnificence of Gaia and radiating back to you.’
‘You are a being of light.’
After a long pause, spirit continued, ‘Open your eyes now, slowly. See with your heart. See the light shining from each of you.’ The people opened their eyes and saw, for the first time, the light that emanated from every soul. They sat in reverent silence, seeing light and love embodied in their own.
‘You are born of the light. You are the light. You carry within you all possibilities, every prospective future. You are creators,’ spirit affirmed.
‘My question to you,’ Spirit posed, ‘is what you will do with this remarkable gift. Who will you be? How will you walk in this world? What will you create?’
And with that, spirit faded from their view, but never from their side.