December 05, 2024

Spirit, Ever Present

The young man, finally ready to talk, challenged spirit,

So, tell me spirit, why should I leave this corner?
  The future you depict foretells agony and death.
  Here, I can disappear from it, wait for it to pass.

Spirit consoled, ‘I hear what you say, I understand.
  You accurately describe this impossible quandary.
  And I understand that you may select your corner.

Lost to the horror of it all, the young man withdrew.
  ‘Might you stay with me this moment?’ spirit queried.
  The young man quaked as he saw it all in living color.

Stunned by the rising awareness that the choice was his,
  such an awful choice, to live in terror or simply survive.
  It seemed a contemptible choice, or was it really a choice?

OK, whatever,’ he conceded, positive his demise was certain.
  He felt himself plummeting into the vacuum of hopelessness.
  ‘What does it matter?’ he asked. ‘It’s over, just a matter of time.’

Spirit touched him, held his soul as he wept, brokenhearted, bereft.
  ‘My child,’ spirit lovingly counseled, ‘look, see who embraces you.
  And he felt the familiar warmth and kindness of his mother’s arms.

Look around you,’ spirit advised. There was his husband, life partner.
  Family, friends, community, families who entrusted their care to him.
  ‘They,’ prompted spirit, ‘are your reason to live, why your light shines.

Remember child,’ it said, ‘that you were born a gift to the world, to life.
  Your work has just begun, and while you have no idea how to proceed,
  you have all that you require to contribute everything you came to offer.

Spirit proclaimed, ‘The love of which you are made is sacred and eternal.
  You came to this life to gift yourself. Know also that I endowed you the
  chance to discover how to accept and flourish in the love of your family.

Spirit clarified, ‘You cannot walk this passage alone. Only together can you
  cross the threshold of this moment to create a tomorrow of love and light.

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