Spirit stepped aside, gifting the people precious moments to ponder. The people disbursed, caught up by the juxtaposition of an impossible, lethal predicament with the hint of an equally inconceivable, yet potentially extraordinary solution.
However, there was one left standing, his facility to consider any solution held in abeyance by his inability to grasp reality. The gravity of the impending situation challenged even that most optimistic and visionary part of him.
This one was born, as Hazel, with a tender heart, a soul filled with love and compassion. He was born into life laughing and singing, lifting the hearts of all who met him. All his young life he gifted himself to the care of others.
A soul born of light and love, he was literally unable to comprehend the nightmare described by spirit. So as others pondered spirit’s word, he was flooded with emotions…fear, foreboding, denial, anger, the exasperating inability to understand what was happening…all at once.
He recognized that the feelings are natural to the grieving process. He knew that allowing grief to run its course is necessary for profound healing.
But he also gathered from spirit’s words that grief would be stirred many times as the assaults against humanity rained down all around us. And each bout of grief may not find closure before others are layered upon it, creating a torrent of unresolved, terrible, undulating grief.
A society awash in grief and agony.
He felt himself marshaled into a dark corner, denial the warden. Hearing the truth of it all was unbearable. He literally couldn’t imagine the world they were to create…in just days.
Crying, he called out to spirit, ‘How do I move from this impossible place to a place wherein I can even start to consider solutions, and finally to imagine what I might possibly do about it all?’
Spirit listened lovingly to this angel embodied. ‘I was doing the work I was born for,’ the young man cried. I was loving with my all, gifting myself to life. I had just started, you know! It all is overwhelming! It frightens me so. It makes me question why I came here. It makes me want to leave.’
Falling into quiet, the young man contemplated, ‘This dark corner in which I hide… At least I can see the boundaries of the corner. I understand how far I can step, what will happen if I venture too far, when it will be light and dark. I know this dark corner, retched as it is. And though I fade into a memory of life in this corner, at least I still live.’
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