This poem is republished from Spirit Walk: Journey of a Soul Embodied.
Another night of Kundalini energy.
Woke me in the dark of the night
when it exploded out of my head.
It carried a dream and a message.
'Create an intentional community of love.'
Over and again, I heard the message.
I immediately started examining it,
reviewing the many times we have
built community, and the myriad
ways we destroyed our creations.
Despite our highest intentions,
we can’t escape our humanness,
the fears that capture us, and the
illusions we label rational thought.
But perhaps despite, or even
because of our shortcomings,
we can create community now.
This community is not defined
by geography, culture or religion.
It is bound by a singular commitment
to shine light and love on darkness.
Imagine light and love emanating
from trillions of people, shining
on the darkness we have created.
Imagine…WE are the answer.
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