The people rose to attend to their routine yet compulsory doings of daily life.
But their vision had changed, enabling them to see the extra in the ordinary.
Each action, and the donation of it to the community, was a remarkable gift.
And they came to recognize that gifts could be both ordinary and remarkable.
The woman who cooked and cared for her children shared her gifts exuberantly.
She delighted in the value of her contributions to the community, her gifting.
She touted others’ gifts, finding the extra in the ordinary, holding all in honor.
She inspired a communal project to find and acclaim the extra in the ordinary.
The people began to understand spirit’s message about their innate sacredness.
They started to see themselves as important and valuable exactly as they were.
They grew to trust their wisdom and gifts, to affirm and own their sovereignty.
And those who claimed superiority found no devotees to genuflect unto them.
For the people finally knew they were gifted, powerful, sacred, sovereign creators.
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