This is not a fairytale of leaders, nor titans, nor giants towering o’er humanity.
No, this is a story of you and me, simple, pedestrian, dispirited though we be.
We each carry within us a light, bound to the eternal, that shimmers with life.
Only we, no other person, hold power to kindle, shine and extinguish our light.
We know the truth of the terror that one human can perpetrate upon another.
But for time without end, we alone bear the light gifted us by the eternal light.
Though we know it not; though we hide it behind layers of suffering and pain,
the light blazes in our souls, pulling chi into our lungs, animating us into life.
This is the ineffable force to which I call, stirring it to arise, shine within you.
For this sacred light, this ineffable force is you, is who and what you really are.
Through your light emanates the wisdom of the universe, agape love, infinity.
It is you we need, your strengths and gifts, your flaws and faults, your doubts.
When you awaken to the treasure living inside you, you will find the way ahead.
You will find gifts, uniquely yours, forged through your life, that are essential.
You will be gifted sight and discernment about their use for the benefit of all.
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