There were some steeped in, and unwilling to let go, the ways of the recent past.
They had profited greatly from those days; prestige, special treatment, riches.
They were loath to share the wealth or to discharge governance to the people.
They watched with rising trepidation as the people discovered their true nature.
Established strategies to mollify the people were now impotent and obsolete.
However, they executed the strategies, for they worried they could lose it all.
The premier strategy: fracture community by turning people against each other.
But people united, and their devotion to each other and community deepened.
All strategies suffered the same fate, for the people possessed their true selves.
And the people reveled in their newfound gift to create a life of love and light.
They saw the community’s wellbeing improve as they stepped into their gifts.
And they realized that the future they desired could only be created together.
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