December 05, 2024

The People Return

The people returned, having mulled over spirit’s words.
  Some were devoured by fear; some hunted the culpable.
  Others, as the young man, were wholly unable to fathom
  the nightmare into which they seemed destined to awaken.

One gift that spirit holds, which eludes the whole of humanity
  is perception forged by time eternal, creations past and future.
  From this omniscient sight is borne wisdom, equanimity, grace,
  but most extraordinarily, an everlasting love for every living soul.

Their hearts torn asunder, the people collapsed before spirit, crying.
  They wept, ‘We glimpsed in our dreams the terror you prophesied!
  Fear contorted into horrific action perpetrated against one another.
  As we beheld it, we fell into chaos and created the hell you foretold!’

Alarmed, they appealed to spirit, ‘It is we who create this horrid future?’
  Spirit shared, ‘You are borne as creators, bequeathed self-sovereignty.’
  Incredulous, they challenged spirit, ‘What do you suggest, sovereignty?’
  ‘I mean,’ spirit explained, ‘you are gifted the inviolable right to choose.’

‘Yet, this vision proves that we are utterly incapable of wielding this gift!’
  ‘No,’ countered spirit, ‘your vision demonstrates your capacity to create.’
  ‘And’ persisted spirit, ‘it bares indisputable evidence of your sovereignty.’
  ‘Hence, the question,’ ventured the young man, ‘is how we wield this gift.’

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