This is not just a cliché or a naïve words of a dreamer.
It is true. It is based in solid research and demonstrated through real outcomes across time and nations and people.
Here is one source. I did international research on civil society coming together to fight for various causes. I learned many important lessons from our sisters and brothers in activism. But most importantly, I learned that
There is Nothing More Powerful than the People, United
Here is a snippet from an article I published. The takeaway...if they can do it, so can we!!!
GCS is a significant international force, exemplified by its sheer size, its infiltration into international governance organizations, its ability to generate global public opinion and its proven success in transforming policy issues into international regimes.
Its growing status is further portrayed through changes in language, e.g., its designation as the third pillar of modern society (Galtung, 2000, p. 148), Boutros Boutros-Ghali’s recognition of it as a full participant in international life (Weiss & Gordenker, 1996), and the United Nation’s reference to it as a social partner, signifying equality of status with governments (Willetts, 2000).
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