February 14, 2025

Take Back Your Freedom from the Oligarchy

 As I have witnessed the coordinated attack on our democracy
  by a handful of billionaires and Trump, i.e., the oligarchy,
  these last few weeks,

it has become crystal clear that
  I need to vote with my pocketbook.
  That is where they feel the pain.

You can start anywhere, really.
  Just examine who you are buying products from.
  If your dollars are supporting the oligarchy,
  buy elsewhere!

And the cool thing about it is that
  you can also support local, independent businesses
  thereby, reinforcing the backbone of our economy!

So, I started with google.
  As I dug in, I learned a few things.

First, there are multiple tendrils
  from google into my life!!!

This is no surprise for a few reasons:
  1. 'Backwards/Vertical Integration' is a basic business strategy, i.e., if you are making something, control the raw materials, the transportation, the marketing...everything.  The more steps in the process you control, the more money you make.
  2. 'Sideways integration' (I made up this term) - following suit, it you have a process, use it to sell more and more products.  Google, for example, continues building more software, e.g., maps, calendars, email, etc.
  3. Big money can create user-friendly products and smash the competition which doesn't have the resources to keep up.
  4. Me, the consumer...I look for the easiest method to accomplish my goals, so I buy-into the company.
Hence, I have to disentangle from all the tendrils!
  So, I researched alternative calendars and browsers.
  I researched how to block the tracking by the oligarchy.

The second thing I learned is
  there are alternate sources for everything out there!
  When I use them, I am supporting our economy!

The third thing I am learning is
  how free I feel, how empowered I am!
  This Vote With Your Pocketbook thing is POWERFUL!

Now, I take on Amazon.
  Systematically breaking ties,
  finding new sources, 
  closing down the flow of my money
  to the billionaires...

Boycott Target

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