February 10, 2025

I Will Not Go Quietly into a Dictatorship

I will continue posting poetry and lessons from spirit.

And you see from previous posts that I am also sharing about the immediate danger, the attempted coup by the current U.S. regime.

I cannot, and will not, stand idly by as these thugs dismantle that which we have built these 200 years!

And that includes NOT being silent.  

  • We must use our voices - speak out.  
  • Stand up for the thing we value that is being attacked.  

  • Stand by each other.

  • If one avenue is blocked, create another one.

Many before us have used incredible imagination and endurance in the fight for freedom and democracy...underground railroads, secret meetings, communications in multiple channels...

We are a country of innovators and brilliant thinkers.  Create new where they destroy the old.  And have the new represent our values of freedom, community, love and light.

We can do this.

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