January 23, 2025

New Book!

I'm happy to announce the release of my new book

Please use the QR code or the link on the title to get the best price for your copy!

January 22, 2025

Walking through the Dark

Fear is being unleashed into our society.
  It like a plague, is highly infectious.

Given any license, it will sink its tendrils deep into
  our hearts, souring our perspective.

It will trigger our most ancient instinct to survive,
  place a pall over our minds and ability to think.

It can turn us into automatons;
  reacting instead of choosing,
  fighting, running, freezing
  rather than taking measured actions.

Fear is normal, natural, part of the human experience.
  Feel it, honor it, love it, and then

quiet your body, your mind, your heart.
  Remember the beautiful, sacred, loving.
  Reach out to, and develop, your community.

Once recentered in your heart and your community,
  consider the thing that caused the fear
  from a new perspective, with supports.

You are a powerful being,
  a being of light and love,
  a being able to live into your highest ideals
  a being standing in community.

Together, we can do this.

January 19, 2025

I Still Believe

I was feeling the urge to write again. 
  But what this election promises 
  compelled me to start now.
I have a different vision.  
  I see a different future.  
  I believe.   I still believe.

Visit My Other Blogs

Author's note:

I originally believed this to be a blog.
  But I realized that it, in fact, is a book.

I endeavor to keep up the blog, 
  but find it is not a suitable format
  for the stories that unfold in a book.

So, I ask for your patience with the blog
  and hope that you will look for the book
  that emerges even as you read these words.

'One Moment, One Chance, Always'

Abundance Born of Strife

The inauguration of a very difficult four years is tomorrow.

I need a moment to honor my heartache and sorrow.
  How do I do that without nourishing the scourge?
  Focus on what I fear we could lose, less blame.

The rich human diversity that exists in this country.
  The significant progress we have made learning 
  to respect one another, celebrate our diversity.

The joy of finding and living in one’s love for another.
  The sanctity of pronouncing that love in marriage.
  The rights of marriage that sustain a life shared.

Living your days knowing your difference is honored.
  People accommodating your needs in welcome.
  Life becoming increasingly accessible for all.

The right and joy of voicing one’s thoughts freely.
  A political system that celebrates community.
  Solidarity to amplify our voice and influence.

I could go on, listing all the things I fear we may lose.
  But, as I write it becomes increasingly clear to me.
  We created it all; we embody it; it is who we are.

So yes, systems can be torn down, people attacked.
  But we have the experience and the capability to
  create and re-invent it even better and stronger!

So, stand steadfast through the coming onslaught, 
  and know it is a temporary assault by a minority 
  on the many who, collectively, will overcome.